
The faketory

The Faketory is an international oriented Art Studio. Creative and art director Martijn Crowe started The Faketory / De Oplichterij in Rotterdam 8 years ago. It became famous within a year for its strange exhibition of art, artists, poets, musicians, books and good coffee. The Faketory started a branch in Antwerp, São Paulo and Amsterdam. Besides painting and working with photography and video, Martijn Crowe started working with homeless people, teenagers, drag queens and elderly around the world.

We work with an international team of 10 people, led by the creative director and a marketing director.  For several projects we are looking for inspiring people, who are willing and able to contribute to the world.

Martijn Crowe
Artist and creator of The Faketory Art Studio

Martijn is a world famous writer and artist, who sells his work in over 6 countries worldwide. He is a psychotherapist and he has a PhD in Cultural Anthropology. He portrays the unseen people and artifacts of the world, like Drag Queens, the Homeless, Children in back-lace situations and Elderly people.


PR Director

Sabya has a background in care; she graduated in sociology and medical anthropology and dedicated her thesis to care for elderly. She is a published author, and her latest book about dementia is published in the Netherlands. At the Faketory she works as the PR Director, next to working on events and managing communication.
